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Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Ideal Vending Machine Location

The common factor among vending machine locators is that they all promise to provide the best and top quality vending location services. In such a situation, it becomes a tough task to choose a perfect vending locator service provider. At the same time, you must remember that the quality of the vending locations can enhance or reduce the potential for generating revenue of your Planet Antares vending business.

Basically, a vending locator should have the following key features:

• Ability to find suitable and safe vending machine locations
• Undertake thorough research while searching for vending locations
• Provision of vending machine maintenance
• Professional and skilled vending locators
• Offer of vending locator consulting
• Experienced personnel for good customer/technical support
• Capable of providing vending locator service for one or 100 machines

Once you have selected and hired a vending machine locator, they should chalk out a strategic plan keeping in mind the vending machines that need to be placed as well as your Planet Antares business requirements. Different types of vending machines are suited for different locations. This must also be kept in mind while choosing ideal locations.

When you have chosen the ideal locations for your vending machines and short listed the best options, the next step will be to call the location owners. These may include:
• Retailers
• Shop owners
• Hotel owners
• Salon owners
• Restaurant owners

Other than these, you can go for various types of locations that match your vending machines, products and the target audience. Find out if they are interested in having a vending machine placed in their premises.

Demonstrations can be given to those who are interested in installing vending machines on their locations. When you have finalized the deal, it is time to install the vending machines at the chosen locations. Your responsibility will also include regular servicing and maintenance of the equipment.

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Planet Antares Vending Business Bilingual Training For Personnel

In most of the American cities, the bilingual workplace has made itself felt in vending industry for many years. Whatever the extent of need for translating training material into Spanish or any other language, these services are available for your Planet Antares vending business. Many vending operators insist that teaching in the unskilled sector, consists of person to person instruction. This sector includes:

  • Route drivers
  • Warehouse workers
An informal survey of vending operators, including Planet Antares vending operators revealed that many realize that they need to find ways to train foreign language workers. Spanish is the common foreign language being addressed.

Generally, most workers are able to speak English as a second language. When you hire an employee for your business who doesn’t speak English, then the best thing to do is to team him up with a veteran who knows how to speak both languages fluently.

Immigrants have been credited by hirers as having more stringent work ethic, perhaps even more than their American-born counterpart. Of course, you would like to hire a hard working individual for your vending business, so that may even mean hiring a person who does not understand English.

Since they are in the United States, it is important for your Planet Antares vending business employees to understand English. Otherwise, they will be limited in what they can do for their own career as well as your business. Make sure that you hire a route driver who knows sufficient amount of English to be able to handle customers who speak only English.

In the warehouse, the individual can speak in their native language with their linguistic brethren. There will be situations when the employee would have to communicate in English, so basic knowledge of the language is necessary. The manuals and policies of your business must provide information in two languages so that employees don’t face any difficulty in understanding all the terms and conditions of employment.

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