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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Vending Business, Technology And Diversity

In order to accept higher denomination currency, vending operators have adapted more of their vending machines. It has also been reported that nearly 10% of all bill validators offer dollar coin payout and nearly 25% of all vending operators switched from 3 tube coin trays to 4 and 5 tube coin trays. Vending operators have reaped significant benefits by investing in higher denomination bill acceptors.

High quality and advanced technological tools such as DEX handheld allow vending operators to account faster and more accurately for cash. It also provides operators such as the Planet Antares vending operators with more control over product placement and variety in a location. As customer preferences have become more diverse, this has been ebenficial for Planet Antares vending operators. The reason for such diversity has been higher awareness of nutrition and diverse customer demographics.

Many schools have imposed restrictions on products in vending machines but the trend and demand for nutritional vending has expanded to other accounts as well. In 2004, vending machine operators addressed consumer demands for low carbohydrate products. Planet Antares vending operators responded by filling vending machines with healthy products. Other vending operators also followed suit. Sales tracking software can be used to track the product sales.

This technology has been able to enpower Planet Antares vending operators with insight about customer preferences. Vending customer have become more diverse in age, ethnicity, occupation, income and gender. By monitoring sales and understanding their client base, vending operators are able to enhance their sales and product selection.